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Kings Dominion Hotel Package Deal

What’s in a Hotel Room?
If you are headed to Kings Dominion for your vacation, how much time do you really plan on spending in your hotel room? With exciting activities and rides for all ages, your family will most likely be at the park from open until close.
You want a clean, comfortable hotel room, where you can recharge your batteries ahead of your next day of fun. Nothing can ruin a vacation quicker than finding a hotel that fits your budget, only to find it is out-of-date, run down, or in a bad part of town.
Instead of spending hours doing research on your own, choose a Kings Dominion hotel package deal from aRes Travel. You can rest assured that our agents will find a hotel that fits all of your requirements, from budget to comfort.
Park Tickets
You can’t fit everything that Kings Dominion has to offer into a single day, so you will probably be looking into buying multi-day tickets. This can get pricey for a family, especially if you are traveling during peak season or one of the holiday periods when the park transforms itself like Halloween or Christmas.
With our Kings Dominion hotel package deals, multi-day family tickets are combined with your hotel stay. There’s no need to try and figure out if you can afford one more day in the park or not. Everything is already taken care of.
Not only will you be able to explore the park at your leisure, you will also find it easier to budget for other aspects of your trip.
For exclusive deals on cheap Kings Dominion tickets, giant discounts on hotels, and some of the lowest prices on travel, call 1 (800) 434-7894 (international callers use +1 (619) 546-5622) to speak with an aRes Travel planning expert seven days a week, or book online now.